An interview (on CNBC) to Mark Yusko of Morgan Creek Capital’s shows how the is pointing out bitcoin fundamentals for investors. Bitcoin is bullish and seems to keep on being during the 2020. In particular he is observing how the interest rates are going to zero everywhere in the world and this is an advantage for bitcoin markets. This will be of help for bitcoin in increasing its value during this year.

In some country interests rate is going below zero and this will help bitcoin and all the people who use bitcoin as a way to preserve their value and their savings.

See germany for example:

Immer mehr Kreditinstitute verlangen Negativzinsen

Mindestens 16 Banken haben seit Jahresbeginn Negativzinsen für Privatkunden eingeführt. Das Vertrauen der Menschen in die Soziale Marktwirtschaft leide unter der Situation, beklagt die CSU. Zum Start ins neue Jahr Negativzinsen: Mindestens 16 Institute, vor allem Volksbanken und Sparkassen, haben nach Daten des Internetportals Verivox in den ersten Wochen 2020 Negativzinsen für Geldanlagen von Privatkunden eingeführt oder bestehende Strafzinsen erhöht.

In this goal also halving will come on help. We know that halving will happen this year around may and this will lead to reward going from 12,5 bitcoin per block to 6.25.

Novogratz Goldman Sachs macro trader says:

The Chinese are about to pull two giant bazookas out and stimulate the heck out of the second-largest economy in the world, that’s going to be good for Chinese stocks at one point, but that stimulus always finds its way around the world. So oil prices end up coming back up, and you get another surge of growth.


Novogratz also sees that liquidity is “driving stocks. It’s driving crypto. It’s driving gold.”.